Monday, November 30, 2009

i was never very good at fps's, even as a small child

I've been remiss in my blogging--すみません!

I hope everyone had a good break. Here's a 4こま about mine. (ヴィルジニア から きました。 ひこうき で かえりました。 The first panel is supposed to be me in ひこうき の 中, sorry if this isn't clear.)

I've been trying to play through ふるい games, since they're the only ones I can afford... I might buy a PS3 in say, five years?


アリス said...


Maureen Stimola said...

PS3がすきですか。とてもたかいですね。I saw on the news that sony is making a cheaper version of the system so people can afford it even in recession. :P Oh, America.