Thursday, September 24, 2009

and one らいしゅう later...

こんばんは みなさん!

On my previous post I received a question about anthropomorphic penguins. As a Linux user (mostly), I can tell you that this is not entirely unlikely.

Anyway, the comics are going to be a bit shoddy for a while's a long story but I can't get pen pressure on my tablet right now. It'll happen.

This comic is about my love of sleep verbs. Also I feel for whoever asked what the verb for "sleep" was, because we did learn "to fall asleep" but not "to sleep," like "se coucher" vs. "dormir" en francais. (I guess it's the same in にほんご but I understand the reasoning behind the question)


That's all I got. A demain (maybe)!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Now with えいご!

Hi everyone (? who is reading this?), this is Melissa, a Barnard first-year full of fail. I hope that through my fail, you all will learn valuable life lessons.

I am taking にほんご because I've always wanted to, and because I love languages (and am finding it very hard not to lapse into フランスゴ--French--as I write this).

I am not good at writing, art, OR Japanese, so I plan to make this a bit of a comic blog to put these three fields together and somewhat mask my fail. My two roommates make an appearance in this one, and are actually very understanding of the "melissa-learns-by-saying-things-over-and-over-while-you-are-trying-to-study" thing. Sorry about the bad handwriting!



こんばんは みなさん〜 どうぞ よろしく。わたし は メィッサ です。 バアナアド だいがく の いちねんせい です。ヴェルジニャ から きました。 じゅうななさい です。
