Monday, November 30, 2009

i was never very good at fps's, even as a small child

I've been remiss in my blogging--すみません!

I hope everyone had a good break. Here's a 4こま about mine. (ヴィルジニア から きました。 ひこうき で かえりました。 The first panel is supposed to be me in ひこうき の 中, sorry if this isn't clear.)

I've been trying to play through ふるい games, since they're the only ones I can afford... I might buy a PS3 in say, five years?

Monday, November 16, 2009

of grainy photographs

So I actually worked pretty hard on this sloppy little comic, but it got killed dead by my digital camera (my roommate's scanner was even worse, though). Sorry for the graininess.

It actually reads RIGHT TO LEFT, even though I wrote out the characters from left to right...oops. I don't really read manga so my panelling's pretty bad, too...

It's pretty hard to see some things due to the carnage perpetrated by my camera, so let me explain them/my katakana use to you!

On the first page, I use スタタタ for running footsteps, チラ meaning a quick glance backwards, コロ as something rolling--she's tripping on a little rolly robot there :O --and バン as an impact sound.


Page two, I use katakana for the characters' names (little monocle girl's name is March). Panel nine, I use the katakana ジロ as in a hard stare. Panel ten, the dude in the hat is showing her the wrench he's taken from her Q_Q. Last panel, I use ルンタタタ as the lady hummin' a song.


Page three, on panel two I use ピト as the noise of something being lightly touched. Later ピリ as a sound of electricity/pain, even though technically I guess it's supposed to be ピリピリ. Lastly, ガクン...another impact noise. She sure seems to fall down a lot, huh?

Sorry if it seems like a snippet of a larger work, because it kind of is...I came up with this girl/world for my AP Art portfolio last year, and I just turn to it when I need to do art of some kind. I'm a bit out of practice, though, as you can see...

All my sound effects were taken from

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

je ne wakarimasu pas

First of all: to anyone reading this ブログ who considers themselves a Japanophile, I would really love to interview you for my sociology project! It should only take about fifteen minutes, you'd get to talk about something you like (Japan), and I would appreciate it so much. It's not one of those nifty surveys where you enter a raffle for participating but I could...draw you something if you want? :D

So anyway, I haven't posted a 4-koma here for a while...すみません。 Hope I can make it up to you with some rabbits. Word on the street is しゅくぼ means "aunt younger than parent," "しゅくふ" means "uncle younger than parent," and しゅうてい means "cousin younger than writer." I could be wrong, though.

And for the "assignment" portion of this post...voici mon てがみ。

 おげんき です か。 わたし は メリッサ です。 アメリカ から きました。  わたし の はは は フィリピノじん です が。 ちち は さんせい です。
 じゅうななさい です。 たんじょうび は 十一月 十六日 です。
 バーナード の いちねんせい です。 だいがく の せいかつ は いそがしい です が、 とても たのしい です。 いつも ともだち と しょくどう で ごはん お たべます。 とても べんり です。 まいにち りょう で べんきょうします。
 バーナード は ニューヨーク の だいがく です。 ニューヨーク は しずか じゃ ありません が、とても おもしろい です。 やまださん の まち は どんあ まち です か。 さむい です か。


Still don't know how to end a letter...or a blog post, really. じゃ、また。