Sunday, October 4, 2009

Don't feel like doing your しゅくだい? Update your blog!

I mean, what do you do when you have a lot of homework? Actually do it?

Anyway, last にほんご の クラッス we looked at some people's blogs, and they had posted some stuff about anime. Instantly I felt a need to assert my Japanese nerd cred, too. So...let me just tell you a bit about a game I've been playing recently, and then I'll get back to my two papers.

mother 3

Are you guys familiar with the Earthbound series? This is the third (kind of) in the series, only released in Japan for the Gameboy Advance. So, obviously, I'm playing it in America on my netbook...


There are lots of things I like about this game, but first and foremost would have to be Mr. Saturn (directly above). You just don't understand happiness until you have been to Saturn Valley. ...Have I out-nerded everyone yet?

(To Josh: Yeah, I'm a mainstream girl, I run Ubuntu. But then I instinctively avoid anything shiny, assuming it'll slow down my computer in horrible ways...)


Josh said...

OMG MOTHER 3!!!!!!!!!!!

I freaking love Mr. Saturn. Seriously, I use him as my icon and avatar like EVERYWHERE!!!!

I was playing Mother 3 when the fan-tran first came out and then I stopped. I forget what happened but now I definitely have to start playing it again.

And it's true, you have to go in the hot springs and have a cup of coffee with Mr. Saturn before you can understand true happiness. (Did I mention I'm a nerd too?)

SkullsAndHappiness said...

I love those extra pixely games! I definitely have made my share of pixel art, i will have to post it some time.

Hien said...

i second the extra pixely games comment, though sadly i have no idea how you play this game

Anonymous said...

this game sounds weird and fun...but I'm already married in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature (psx) and have 10 chickens, 8 cows, 8 sheep, a dog a horse I can actually ride, a pregnant wife (because the girl edition is only in Japanese :'( ) and a bunch of elves doing my actual farm work for me usually, so I just kick back, cook, and make money money money in that game...